- Mrs Banks.
- Cast off tHe sHackles of yesterday
SHoulder to sHoulder
into tHe fray
Our daugHter´s daugHters
will adore us
And tHey´ll sing
in grateful cHorus
´´Well done
Sister Suffragette´´
Being that as it may, I do not
wish to offend, but I--
From Kensington to Billingsgate
one Hears tHe restless cries
From every corner of tHe land
womankind arise
Political equality
and equal rigHts witH men
Take Heart for Mrs PankHurst
Has been clapped in irons again
No more tHe meek and mild
subservients we
We´re figHting for our rigHts
Never you fear
If I may have a word, Mrs Banks.
- So cast off tHe sHackles of yesterday
- Mrs Banks!
And sHoulder to sHoulder
into tHe fray
Our daugHter´s daugHters
will adore us
And tHey´ll sing
in grateful cHorus
- ´´Well done´´
- Mrs Banks.
- ´´Well done´´
- Mrs Banks.
- ´´Well done, Sister Suf--´´
- Mrs Banks!
- What is it, Katie Nanna?
- Mrs Banks, I have something
to say to you.
- Where are the children?
- The children, madam...
to be precise,
are not here.
They´ve disappeared again.
Katie Nanna, this is really
too careless of you.
Doesn´t it make
the third time this week?
The fourth, madam. And I for one
have had my fill of it.
I´m not one to speak ill
of the children, but--
Oh, please, when do you
expect them home?
I really couldn´t say.
And now if you´d be good enough
to compute my wages, I´ll--
Oh, gracious, Katie Nanna! You´re not
leaving? What will Mr Banks say?
He´s going to be cross enough
as it is to come home and find
the children missing.
Ellen, put these things away. You know
how the cause infuriates Mr Banks.
Yes, ma´am.