Consistent is
tHe life I lead
- George, they´re missing.
- Splendid. Splendid.
It´s grand to be
an EnglisHman in 1 9 1 0
King Edward´s on tHe tHrone
It´s tHe Age of Men
I´m tHe lord of my castle
THe sovereign, tHe liege
I treat my subjects, servants
cHildren, wife
WitH a firm but gentle Hand
Noblesse oblige
It´s 6::03 and tHe Heirs
to my dominion
Are scrubbed and tubbed
and adequately fed
And so I´ll pat tHem on tHe Head
and send tHem off to bed
AH, lordly is
tHe life I lead
- Winifred, where are the children?
- They´re not here, dear.
What? Well, of course they´re here!
Where else would they be?
- I don´t know, George.
- You don´t know?
Well, they´re missing. Katie
Nanna has looked everywhere.
Very well. I´ll deal
with this at once.
Give me the police station,
quickly, please.
I don´t think we need bother the police,
dear. The facts of the matter--
Kindly do not attempt to
cloud the issue with facts.
One fact, and one fact alone
is crystal clear! Katie Nanna´s
faltered at her post.
She´s let the family down.
And I shall bring her to bo--
Oh. She´s left us,
hasn´t she?
Yes, dear, only just.
What, uh-- Yes.
George Banks here.
Yes. 1 7 Cherry Tree Lane.
It´s a matter of some urgency.
I should like you to send
a policeman around immediately.
The policeman´s here, George!
What? Oh, how very prompt.
What wonderful service.
Thank you so much. Good night.
- Come in, Constable. Come in.
- Thank you, sir.
While going about my duties
on the other side of the park...
I noted some valuables
that had gone astray.
- I believe they´re yours, sir.
- Valuables?
Come along, now. Come along.
Jane! Michael!