How ´bout you?
Very well. Hold this for me.
As I expected. "Mary Poppins.
Practically perfect
in every way.´´
Mary Poppins! Is that your name?
It´s lovely.
Thank you.
I´ve always liked it.
- Now, shall we get on with it?
- Get on with what?
In your advertisement, did you
not specifically request to play games?
- Oh, yes!
- Very well, then.
Our first game is called
"Well Begun Is Half Done.´´
I don´t like
the sound of that.
Otherwise entitled,
"Let´s Tidy Up the Nursery.´´
I told you
she was tricky.
- Shall we begin?
- It is a game, isn´t it, Mary Poppins?
Well, it depends on
your point of view.
You see, in every job
that must be done...
there is an element of fun.
You find the fun, and snap!
The job´s a game.
And every task you undertake
becomes a piece of cake
A lark, a spree
It´s very clear to see
THat a spoonful of sugar
Helps tHe medicine go down
THe medicine go down
Medicine go down
Just a spoonful of sugar
Helps tHe medicine go down
In a most deligHtful way
A robin featHering His nest
Has very little time to rest
WHile gatHering His bits
of twine and twig
THougH quite intent in His pursuit
He Has a merry tune to toot
He knows a song
will move tHejob along