Mary Poppins

Let me out!
Let me out!

Let me out!
Well, that was very--
Thank you now--
When you´ve quite finished!
Thank you.
That will be quite sufficient.
Hats and coats, please.

It´s time for our outing
in the park.

I don´t want an outing. I want
to tidy up the nursery again.

Enough is as good as a feast.
Come along, please.

Let me look at you. Well, you´re not
as well turned out as I´d like.

Still, there´s time.
There´s time.

Spit spot! And off we go.
For a spoonful of sugar
Helps tHe medicine go down

THe medicine go down
Medicine go down

Just a spoonful of sugar
Helps tHe medicine go down

In tHe most
deligHtful way

CHim cHiminy, CHim cHiminy
CHim cHim cHeroo
