Mary Poppins

I does wHat I likes
And I likes

WHat I do
Hello, art lovers.
Today I´m a screever
and as you can see

A screever´s an artist
Of HigHest degree
And it´s all me own work
from me own memory

Well, not Royal Academy,
I suppose.

Still they´re better than
a finger in your eye, ain´t they?

CHim cHiminy, CHim cHiminy
CHim cHim cHeroo

I draws wHat I likes
and I likes wHat I drew

No remuneration
do I ask of you

But me cap would be glad
of a copper or two

Me cap would be glad
of a copper or two

Wait! Don´t move.
Don´t move a muscle.
Stay right where you are.
I´d know that silhouette
anywhere! Mary Poppins!

It´s nice to see you again, Bert.
I expect you know Jane and Michael.

Well, I´ve seen ´em here and about.
Chasin´ a kite last time, weren´t it?

Mary Poppins is
taking us to the park.

To the park?
Not if I know Mary Poppins.

Other nannies take children
to the park.

When you´re with Mary Poppins,
suddenly you´re in places
you´ve never dreamed of.

And quick as you can say
"Bob´s your uncle´´...

the most unusual things
begin to happen.

I´m sure I haven´t the faintest
idea what you´re talking about.

Well mind, it´s not my place to say,
but what she´s probably got in mind...

is a jolly holiday
somewheres or other.

Something along these lines,
I shouldn´t be surprised.

"Punting on the Thames.´´ That´s
always good if you like an outing.

Here we go.
