Mary Poppins

The circus. How about a lovely
circus? Lions and tigers.

World-famous artistes performing
death-defyin´ feats...

of dexterity and skill
before your very eyes.

Oh, that´s lovely. If you please,
I´d much rather go there.

Beautiful, ain´t it?
A typical English countryside...

as done by a true
and lovin´ hand.

Though you can´t see it,
there´s a little country fair...

down that road and
uh, over the hill.

I don´t see any road.
What? No road?
Just wants a bit
of somethin´ here...

and a bit of somethin´ there.
There. A country road suitable
for travel and high adventure.

Please may we go,
Mary Poppins? Please?

Such a lovely place. Don´t you
think it´s lovely, Mary Poppins?

Now´s the time, Mary Poppins.
No one´s lookin´.

- Please, Mary Poppins. Please!
- Please, Mary Poppins. Please!

I have no intention of making
a spectacle of myself, thank you.

All right, I´ll do it myself.
- Do what?
- Bit of magic.

- A bit of magic?
- It´s easy.

Let´s see. You think.
You wink.
You do a double blink.
You close your eyes and jump.
Is something
´sposed to happen?
