Bert, what utter nonsense!
Why do you always complicate things
that are really quite simple?
Give my your hand, please,
Michael. Don´t slouch.
One, two.
Mary Poppins,
you look beautiful.
- Do you really think so?
- Cross my heart you do.
Like the day I met ya.
You look fine too, Bert.
I thought you said
there was a fair.
So I did. Down the road
behind the hill, remember?
Come on! I hear
the merry-go-round.
- Tell ´em Bert sent ya.
- Don´t fall and smudge the drawing.
Ain´t it a glorious day
RigHt as a mornin´ in May
I feel like I could fly
Now, Bert.
None of your larking about.
Have you ever seen
tHe grass so green
Or a bluer sky
OH, it´s a jolly Holiday witH Mary
- Mary makes your Heart so ligHt
- You haven´t changed a bit, have you?
WHen tHe day is grey
and ordinary
- Mary makes tHe sun sHine brigHt
- Oh, honestly!
OH, Happiness is bloomin´
all around Her
THe daffodils are
smilin´at tHe dove
WHen Mary Holds your Hand
you feel so grand
Your Heart starts beatin´
like a big brass band
- You are lightheaded.
- It´s a jolly Holiday witH Mary
No wonder tHat it´s Mary
tHat we love