- Forbearance is
tHe Hallmark of your creed
- True.
A lady needn´t fear
wHen you are near
Your sweet gentility
is crystal clear
OH, it´s a jolly Holiday
witH you, Bert
Ajolly, jolly Holiday witH you
Now then, what´d be nice?
We´ll start witH raspberry ice
And tHen some cakes and tea
- Order wHat you will
- THere´ll be no bill
It´s complimentary
You´re very kind.
Anything for you,
Mary Poppins.
You´re our favourite person.
Right you are. It´s true that--
Mavis and Sybil
Have ways tHat are winnin´
And Prudence and Gwendolyn
set your Hearts spinnin´
PHoebe´s deligHtful
Maude is disarming
- Felicia
- Lydia
- CHarming
CyntHia´s dasHing, Vivian´s sweet
StepHanie´s smasHing, Priscilla a treat
- Veronica
- Millicent
-And Jane
Convivial company
time and again
Dorcas and PHyllis
and Glynis are sorts
I´ll agree tHey´re
tHreejolly good sports
But cream of tHe crop
Tip of tHe top
Is Mary Poppins
and tHere we stop