Come on and fight,
you dirty omadhauns.
I can lick
the lot of ya´s.
Faster, me beauty! Faster!
Oh, riders, would you be
so kind as to let me pass?
Certainly, ma´am.
- Thank you.
- Not at all, ma´am.
Excellent time, gentlemen.
- Oh, yes, quite.
- Perfect day for it, of course.
Oh. Oh, how nice.
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
Hold still, now.
Watch for the dickie bird.
Uh, how does it feel,
Mary Poppins, winning the race?
- Oh, well I--
- Gaining fame and fortune.
- Uh, Yes.
- Having your picture taken
for the newspaper.
Uh, oh, actually,
I´m delighted.
Besides having your extreme
good looks, if I may say so.
- Oh, well, I wouldn´t go--
- There probably aren´t words
to describe your emotions.
Now, now, now, now,
gentlemen, please.
On the contrary,
there´s a very good word.