Jane! Michael!
Stay close now.
Oh, Bert,
all your fine drawings.
Well, there´s more
where they came from.
Meantime, I´m changing businesses. This
here is lovely hot chestnut weather.
- Come along, children.
- Bye, Bert.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye, Bert. Bye.
- Bye,Jane and Michael.
- Bye, Bert.
CHim cHiminy, cHim cHiminy
CHim cHim cHeroo
La dum da da dum
da da da da dum
No, no, I won´t take
your nasty medicine!
Do we have to, Mary Poppins?
People who get their feet wet
must learn to take their medicine.
- I don´t want it. I´m not gonna--
- Oh!
Lime cordial! Delicious!
Strawberry! Mmm!
R-R-Rum punch.
Quite satisfactory.
Mary Poppins, you won´t
ever leave us, will you?
- Do you have a handkerchief
under your pillow?
- Mm-hmm.
Will you stay
if we promise to be good?
Och! That´s a piecrust promise.
Easily made, easily broken.
Whatever would
we do without you?
I shall stay
until the wind changes.
But, Mary Poppins,
how long will that be?