Murder Most Foul

Of course, why not?
That's what I must do.
After all, nothing ventured,
nothing gained.

Take our bags to the YMCA, Jim.
If I'm successful,
I'll collect mine from you later.

I think I ought to wait, Miss Marple.
No, this may take some time.
Au revoir.
All I know is that we had over £300
and now we've got nothing.

Where is it? It's a simple question.
- For simple-minded people.
- That's mine!

What's the use?
Ah, thank you.
Daddy's very democratic.
He doesn't mind who I marry.

You could have put that better!
If he's not asking for a pedigree,
you 're fine, eh Bill?

You could have put that better too!
Oh! I was looking for Mr Cosgood.
Haven't I seen you before?
Really? I wonder where
that could have been?

- I'm not sure.
- Probably in another dimension.

Don't take any notice,
she's our weirdie.

No, it was in a dream...
she and you, George.

- Something to do with death.
- Oh, please, Eva. Can I help you?

I have an appointment
with Mr Cosgood.

He's probably messing about
on the stage. It's over there.

Oh yes, thank you.
I'll find him, young man.
