Murder Most Foul

However, as you wish.
Well now... soon after the stranger
has entered this lurid scene,

it becomes increasingly evident
there is a growing antagonism

between him and Mr McGrew.
An antagonism which is to end
in stark tragedy.

Shall I pick it up at the point
when the miner,

seated at the saloon piano,
is playing like a maniac?

Yes, yes, please do.
Thank you.
'T hen the stranger turned
'A nd his eyes they burned
in a most peculiar way

'ln a buckskin shirt
that was glazed with dirt he sat

'A nd I saw him sway
'T hen his lips went thin
in a kind of grin

'A nd he spoke
and his voice was calm

'Boys, says he, you don't know me
and none of you care a darn... '

Yes, yes, yes,
but get to the point, please!

'But I want to state
and my words are straight

'A nd I'll bet my poke they're true
'T hat one of you is a hound of hell
'A nd that one is Dan McGrew
'T hen I ducked my head
and the lights went out

'A nd two guns blazed in the dark
'A nd a woman screamed
'A nd the lights went up
and two men lay stiff and stark

'P itched on his head and pumped full
of lead was dangerous Dan McGrew

'W hile the man from the creeks
'lay clutched to the breast
of the lady that's known as Lou

'I 'm not as wise
as the lawyer guys

'But strictly between us two
'T he woman who kissed him
and pinched his poke

'W as the lady that's known as Lou.'
Are you still there?
