Murder Most Foul

The marital knot is often the bolt on
the door to the room at the top.

Do I take it you are offering
me employment, Mr Cosgood?

Well, as to that,
not exactly employment.

I was thinking rather along
the lines of an apprenticeship.

Well, in a word, yes.
I accept.
Splendid, splendid.
Welcome to the Cosgood Players.

Well, now as to lodgings,
I prefer to live
cheek by jowl with my colleagues.

Naturally. We're at Westward Ho,
Prescott Street.

Mrs Harris is an excellent landlady.
Good, well, I'll just pick up my
baggage at the YMCA. Au revoir.

- Cosgood...
- Drunk again!

Now look here, George...
This man is not drunk, Mr Cosgood.
He's dead.

Arsenic, I'd say.
The autopsy will prove it.

Nonsense! He drank too much. It's
as plain as the nose on his face.

You say you were on the stage when he
came out from the dressing rooms?

Yes, Inspector.
The curtain is due up in ten minutes
and I now have two roles to play.

There'll be no curtain up today.
My audience will tear the place up!
We'll risk that.
I've got questions to ask.

- Questions? What about?
- A man is dead - it's usual.

Damned inconvenient.
- His dressing room?
- Number two.

Can't you get George off
the stage and come back later?

No, sir. Number two, you said?
- I knew something would happen.
- Really, miss?

Yes, I have premonitions
about these things!
