My Fair Lady

Freddy, go and find a cab.
Do you want me to catch pneumonia?
Don't just stand there, Freddy.
Go and find a cab.

All right, I'll get one.
Look where you're goin', dear.
Look where you're goin'!

I'm so sorry.
Two bunches o' violets trod in the mud.
A full day's wages.

- Freddy, go and find a cab.
- Yes, Mother.

He's your son, is he?
If you'd done your duty
as a mother should...

:05:39 wouldn't let 'im spoil a poor girl's
flow'rs and run away without payin'.

Go about your business, my girl.
And you wouldn't go off
without payin', either.

Two bunches o' violets trod in the mud.
Sir, is there any sign of it stopping?
I'm afraid not. It's worse than before.
If it's worse, it's a sign it's nearly over.
