My Fair Lady

She ought to be good for 'alf a crown
for a father that loves 'er.

That's a laugh.
You ain't been near 'er for months.

What's that got to do with it?
What's 'alf a crown after all I've give 'er?

When did you ever give 'er anythin'?
Anythin'? I give 'er everythin'.
I give 'er the greatest gift
any human being can give to another:

I introduced 'er to this here planet, I did,
with all its wonders and marvels.

The sun that shines, the moon that glows.
Hyde Park to walk through
on a fine spring night.

The 'ole ruddy city o' London to roam
around in sellin' 'er bloomin' flow'rs.

I give 'er all that.
Then I disappears and leaves 'er
on 'er own to enjoy it.

If that ain't worth 'alf a crown
now and again...

...l'll take my belt off and give 'er what for.
You got a good 'eart.
But you want a 'alf a crown out o' Eliza...

:19:48 better have a good story.
Leave that to me, my boy.
- Good mornin', George.
- Not a brass farthin'.

Not a brass farthin'.
