My Fair Lady

Take your clothes off.
Come on, girl, do as you're told.
Take your clothes off.

Here, come on. Help me take these...
Take your hands off me!
I'm a good girl, I am!
It ain't right! It ain't decent!
Get your hands off me!
I'm a good girl, I am!
Forgive the bluntness,
but if I'm to be in this business...

...I shall feel responsible for the girl.
I hope it's clearly understood that
no advantage is to be taken of her position.

What, that thing? Sacred, I assure you.
Come now, you know what I mean.
This is no trifling matter.

Are you a man of good character
where women are concerned?

Have you ever met a man of good
character where women are concerned?

Yes, very frequently.
I haven't. The moment I let a woman
make friends with me...

...she becomes jealous, exacting...
...suspicious and a damned nuisance.
The moment that I make friends with
a woman I become selfish and tyrannical.

So here I am, a confirmed old bachelor
and likely to remain so.

Well, after all, Pickering...
"I'm an ordinary man
"Who desires nothing more
