My Fair Lady

"Let the time go by
"I won't care if I
"Can be here on the street where you live"
It really is, Higgins.
It's inhuman to continue.

Do you realize what you've got to teach
this girl in six weeks?

You've got to teach her to walk, talk,
address a duke, a lord...

...a bishop, an ambassador.
It's absolutely impossible.

Higgins, I'm trying to tell you
that I want to call off the bet.

I know you're a stubborn man, but so am I.
This experiment is over.
And nothing short of an order
from the king could force me to recant.

You understand, Higgins? It's over.
Higgins, if there's any mishap
at the Embassy tonight...

...if Miss Doolittle suffers
any embarrassment...

:13:02'll be on your head alone.
Eliza can do anything.
Suppose she's discovered?
Remember Ascot.

Suppose she makes
another ghastly mistake?

There'll be no horses at the ball, Pickering.
Think of how agonizing it would be.
If anything happened tonight,
I don't know what I'd do.

You could always rejoin your regiment.
This is no time for flippancy, Higgins.
The way you've driven her
the last six weeks...

...has exceeded all bounds
of common decency.

For God's sake, stop pacing.
Can't you settle somewhere?

Have some port. It'll quieten your nerves.
I'm not nervous.
- Where is it?
- On the piano.

The car's here, sir.
Good. Tell Miss Doolittle.
Tell Miss Doolittle indeed.
I'll bet you that damned gown doesn't fit.

I warned you about these French designers.
We should've gone to an English shop.
They would've been on our side.

- Have a glass of port?
- No, thank you.

Are you so sure this girl will retain
everything you've hammered into her?
