Back off!
Give me a chance to undress.
Don't mind me.
I could use a little show
to wake me up.
Hold it!
Fuckin' asshole.
You think you can barge in here
and get my blood running,
and then just pick up and leave?
Let me go!
Pay up and I will.
Is that all you've got?
You can't afford women.
Get lost!
Wait. You forgot this.
What's the big idea?
Trying to put me out of business?
Here. Be glad I don't charge you
for the room.
Oh, well.
Where're you back from?
Did your sweetheart go south?
Brother. Got sent to Borneo.
Likely story.
Wanna have a good time with me?
I'm not so hard up
I need to get it from a working girl.
Here comes a jeep!