Hi. Nice to see you.
Sorry I can't stay.
Give the others my regards.
She makes me want to throw up!
With Ibuki the central figure,
someone was going to break ranks,
which presented a serious problem
for our survival.
It was time to make clear,
individually and as a group,
what the consequences
of betrayal would be.
Sen, Machiko's finally done it.
She broke our rule.
She gave herself away for free.
I knew all along she'd do it.
Sounds like it's time
to crack some bones.
If you have definite proof,
we'll make her pay for it.
I've got proof, all right.
Last night I was at Karasumori Hotel.
This is for tonight.
Don't worry about it.
I decided
I wasnt going to charge you.
When I'm with you,
I feel like I'm your wife.
When I'm with other men,
I tell myself I'm doing it
so I can see you.
That's what makes it bearable.
Look at me.