It's almost four o'clock.
I know.
What's the matter? Are you mad?
Bringing a girl on ajob like this!
Our arrangement, François. You do
the driving and I do the planning.
But the plan does not
call for the presence of a girl.
The ability to improvise brilliantly
in a moment of crisis
is one of the reasons
I am a highly paid, successful thief.
If you will look to the left,
just behind you,
as casually as possible,
you will see, stupidly trying to
hide behind yesterday's newspaper,
our old friend Inspector Gillette.
What is he doing in Paris?
Do you think
he suspects something?
Of course not.
If so, I'm one step ahead.
Why do you think
I picked up the girl?
Because she has big magic eyes.
That, too,
but actually I picked her up
to throw our inspector friend
off the scent.
Never in his wildest imagination
would he think
that the highly paid
and successful Rick
would be so foolish
as to take a girl along on ajob.
Therefore, that's exactly what I'm
going to do. She's a perfect cover.
Meet you at the car in one minute.
Shall we?
My dear Gillette,
our paths cross again.
My dear Rick,
what an extraordinary coincidence.
Monsieur Gillette is in a curious
way a business associate of mine.
Enchanted. Any friend of Rick's
is a friend of mine.