Per un pugno di dollari

Well, I hope they say... nice things.
Did you have a good trip?
It was tiring. It was terribly hot
on the road during the day.

And stagecoaches are
an uncomfortable way to travel.

Well, I'm sure you'll be
in great shape in no time.

The americano cannot wait
to get into action.

- I'm sorry. He's going to be disappointed.
- How's that?

The Baxters accepted the invitation.
They'll come tonight, Don Miguel.

You must be out of your head.
Chico followed my orders.
I told him to invite them.

Ramón, what is this?
I found out many things when I was
travelling and I have decided that...

it's very stupid to just keep on shooting
at each other, and without any results.

You've gone out of your mind, Ramón.
No, I've come to my senses, Esteban.
Believe me.
Trust me.
Life can be so precious.
It's foolish to risk losing it
every minute, no?

There's plenty of space for everybody
in this town. Even Baxters, hm?

For this reason...
I've decided to hang my gun
up on the wall.

I think that Ramón has the right idea.
I, too, am getting tired of these killings.
They must stop.

- This is all... very, very touching.
- You mean you don't admire peace?

It's not really easy to like something
you know nothing about.

Stay in San Miguel
and you may profit from the experience.

No, thanks. I'll be movin' on.
Oh, here's your money, Don Miguel.
I only used a small amount of it.

I don't like to take money
unless I feel I've earned it.
