- Good shooting. Very good.
- When you want to kill a man,
you must shoot for his heart,
and a Winchester is the best weapon.
That's very nice,
but I'll stick with my.45.
When a man with a.45
meets a man with a rifle,
the man with the pistol
will be a dead man.
That's an old Mexican proverb,
and it's true.
You believe that?
Paquito, take five men. Escort Marisol to
the small house. Stay there until I return.
- Everything is prepared.
- Do not be worried.
- I will return tomorrow.
- All the wagons are ready. We can leave.
Everyone! Enjoy yourselves
during my absence!
You heard Ramón. Let's have a good time.
Do you remember
sweet Betsy from Pike?
She roamed the world with her lover Ike
Ike, Betsy
Betsy from Pike
- He weighs over a ton.
- Of course, with all he poured in himself.