Per un pugno di dollari

The coffin maker, Piripero, is played
by an Austrian actor called Joseph Egger,

who was 75 years old at
the time he made this film,

and went on to appear as the old prophet
in For A Few Dollars More, his last movie.

He was a music-hall star,
a sort of stand-up comedian,

who was very popular
with West German audiences.

So Spanish bartender, American
stranger, Austrian coffin maker outside.

And the three choruses in this movie,
the three characters who introduce us
to the theatre of San Miguel,

this flyblown village
just across the Mexican border,

are the bell-ringer,
the coffin maker, and the bartender,

which are exact equivalents of the same
characters in Kurosawa's film Yojimbo,

where there's a cooper
and a coffin maker and a watchman,

who serve a very similar function.
In Kurosawa, it's the fire tower
in the 19th-century Japanese village

where the yojimbo sits
and watches the mayhem that he causes,

looking down upon
the two factions as they fight.

Here, it's the balcony of the saloon,
which was specially designed as
a frontage by Carlo Simi, the designer.

Carlo Simi had walked into Sergio Leone's
office in Rome, just before filming started,

had looked at the existing designs
for the film Fistful of Dollars,

which was called The Magnificent
Stranger, its working title,

and thought they looked terrible.
He got the drawings,
made them larger than life,

with huge Mexican interiors and beams
and a rather over-the-top form
of Wild West, or Wild Southwest, design.
