The baddie wears a white shirt.
In Hollywood the baddie wore black,
and certainly on television Westerns.
But in this one,
the first vocal entry of the baddie,
of the real baddie, is in a white shirt.
Just as the goodie wears
a rather dirty brown hat.
This isn't white hats and black hats,
everyone wears grey hats,
as Clint Eastwood put it.
You're not sure who the goodies are.
You know Ramón is the baddie,
but what's Clint Eastwood's role in this?
The stranger has been watching,
showing a great interest,
selling himself from one side to the other.
We're not sure of his motivation.
Is he on the side of law?
Is he after personal profit?
Does he have any sense of honour at all?
Time will tell.
Esteban Rojo was played by Sieghardt
Rupp, who was a West German actor,
like the leader of the Baxters,
John Baxter, the sheriff,
was played by Wolfgang Lukschy,
who was a West German actor.
A lot of the baddies are played by West
Germans, and Ramón was an Italian actor.
This white fluff passing across the screen,
which was a production touch
by Carlo Simi, white shirt, white fluff,
the idea of almost snow falling,
playing against...
Here you've got a psychopathic baddie,
and he appears in the whiteness of snow,
the whiteness of his shirt. They play
always against your expectations.
In the casting, in Italy,
and also in the production design.
A trill on the soundtrack
as he moves his cheroot.
It was an Italian cigar called a Toscano,
which is virtually unsmokable.
You have to cut it with a knife
in order to open up the tobacco.
Eastwood didn't like smoking very much,
in fact was very antismoking.