Per un pugno di dollari

Very operatic. The music builds up.
"Mama, Mama," says Jesus,
little Jesus as he rushes out.

It's like a scene from an opera
of the 19th century in Italy.

A Verdi opera.
Someone called these Westerns:
"An opera in which the arias
aren't sung, they're stared."

And that Leone had given a whole new
meaning to the phrase "horse opera".

It's an odd combination of realism in
the foreground, with these grungy faces,

and operatic quality in the background.
A mixture of cinematic grammar creating
this opera, and very grungy foreground.

You don't believe fairy tales
unless they look real.

Leone said, "I don't like
Disney fairy tales or movies."

"They're too clean. I don't believe them."
You've got to have grunge,
but it's still a fairy tale.

A fairy tale for grown-ups.
Welcome home by slapping the boy.
That's not something that
happened in Hollywood Westerns.

In the morality of Leone's Westerns,
you can often tell who the real baddies are
by the way they treat children.

Everyone's pretty bad,
and some are worse than others,
