Per un pugno di dollari

Somebody once said about the character
that Eastwood epitomised in this film

that in the old films,
the hero was the best shot.

In a film like this, the best shot is the hero.
In other words,
the guy who's good with a gun,

whose technique is superior
to everyone's else's,

who is a trickster who can outwit
everyone, that is the hero,

rather than the hero being
able to mobilise those forces.

So here we have
the Last Supper sequence,

with the suit of armour that apparently
did duty in countless Zorro films,

in the governor's residence
in old California,

now standing in as a prop to be shot at
as Ramón and his disciples sit at the table

in a deliberate reference
to Leonardo's painting of The Last Supper,

which is in Milan.
"Aim for the heart, Ramón."
This comes up later in the film.

Ramón with his Winchester '73,
a fantastic shot.

Obviously, good shooting
to create this heart shape.

But that will come up later.
"Aim for the heart, Ramón",

will become the catchphrase
of the end of the film.

A Mexican proverb
invented for this movie.

"When a man with a.45 meets a man with
a rifle, the man with a rifle will be dead."

The man with no name, Joe the stranger,
will disprove this old Mexican proverb
in style in the final sequence of the film,

by pitting his.45
against the rifle of Ramón.

The Anglo sidekick of Ramón
is played by Benito Steffanelli,

an interesting Italian actor who was
also the co-stunt director of the film,
