What time is it?
Three o'clock.
You must get a Party card.
...it can come in handy for
everything, politics, even poetry.
Then whatever you do or say
has a meaning.
If you make a mistake,
your mistakes then have a meaning.
Before I was in constant anguish,
a kind of guilt feeling.
Cesare helped me overcome this
cowardice. L'd like to help you.
Don't leave home only to go back.
It's worse. Cesare's been waiting
for me. See you tomorrow.
Go to the movies,
they're showing ''Red River''!
Don't miss it!
People who run away
from home make me laugh,
the ones who want to escape.
Because it's childish.
What you're doing is too easy.
You reject yourself,
complain, run away.
You have to struggle from within.
They want to gag you and you run.
But there's another way!