Why are you so quiet? Talk!
Don't look at me like that.
It's useless, what can I do?
I wanted to make you laugh!
Stop thinking about it.
Don't you understand?
If I tell you it is because I know!
Even at the funeral... of my fath...
Of your grandfather.
I had often dreamed of his death.
In the dream I died, too.
But I imagined it
in a different way.
Because reality...
...is much worse.
One thinks about it...
...prepares for it.
One prepares...
...and then can't deal with it!
One can't take that kind of pain.
You'd have understood.
I didn't even dress in black.
I didn't think it mattered.
I was so close to him.
It's amazing how...
...alive you feel close to death,
how you cannot share...
...death with the dead.
Enter with them...
...into their coffin.
You feel more alive than ever!
You need to move.
To talk.