You even wanted to watch me dress.
While I put on my stockings.
And my panties.
How extraordinary!
Did I disappoint you?
Tell the truth!
Don't be funny.
One can even love those things...
...which women usually hide.
Your mother is taller,
she's different.
Forget it.
She's made like me.
Jesus, it's raining hard!
It's your fault too,
you're a man now.
We're equal.
A rainy Easter... how boring!
When it rains at this hour
I start tossing in bed.
Why did you put your hand
over my mouth?
Did my moans upset you?
I didn't want them to hear us.
Who could hear us?
There. If we're quiet
we can hear the women get up.
' What women?
' The maids and grandmother!
Are you crazy?
' Where are we?
' In the back of the building.
It used to be a print shop,
now it's empty.
I used to play here, alone.
L'm glad it happened here.
Are you sorry?
' No!
' Do you want to go home?