I know you're happy,
but it won't last.
Fabrizio, I feel it won't last.
It's useless...
In the end you'II remember me
as if I were dead.
Then after a while
you'II forget me completely.
You'II end up hating me.
Can I be blamed?
I never promised you anything
and you can't blame me!
I love you.
I love you even though
l'II never tell you.
You are a thousand...
...ten thousand times...
better than me!
And l'm nothing.
L'm worthless.
L'd steal this trick which lets me
talk to you when you're not here.
Where are you?
Did you like the film?
Nice, wasn't it?
For ''cinema'verite''
it wasn't bad. In color...
Here on Sundays they came to see