the film about girls going to Mass.
Then there was the fair...
...the acrobats, the dancing bears.
I wouldn't trade
this moment for any other.
Even if it's passing, I don't care.
L'II forgive it.
L'm not like you.
L'm not brave, l'm a coward.
You'II never guess what l'd like.
L'd like it...
...if nothing were to move.
Everything still as in a painting.
With us inside, still as well.
No more May...
...June, July...
...August, September...
September! Who knows where
we'II be in autumn.
' L'm not coming!
' You are coming!
You must follow me everywhere.
What a surprise,
I didn't expect you today.
' Gina, this is Cesare.
' This is your aunt from Milan?
Yes, l'm the aunt from Milan.
The smoke, huh?
Yes... the smoke!
Franklin stoves are all like that.
' Are we just going to stand here?
' Excuse me!
Come in the dining room.