Do you remember Pavese?
Maturity is everything.
A few days ago someone
came looking for me.
My neighbours told me.
About 10:30 in the morning,
I was at school.
A boy with a bicycle,
he didn't say his name...
' They said he was blond...
' A green bike?
I don't know,
I could ask the neighbours.
It was Agostino.
Agostino came to see me?
I had promised to bring him to you,
he was ready, anxious.
He always wanted me to tell him
about you and our discussions.
He was ready.
He thought he hated everyone,
instead he only hated himself.
It's as if he had killed himself.
It was an accident, you have
no right to talk like that.
He lived alone.
He died alone.
The worst thing you can tell someone
is you don't believe their pain.