
- That's right.
- Is he getting away with this?

No. Just cool it a minute.
I'll be back in 10 minutes
with the football hero's lament,

I Left My Knee At USC.
- You're taking it bigger than usual.
- Good.

- Might mean trouble.
- So what else is new?

Why do you act tough?
Where does it get you?

If you're not tough,
you get squashed.

- I didn't have any parents, either.
- What's that got to do with it?

- Everything.
- Save it, kid.

- Got a light, friend?
- Sure...friend.

About your act. I've heard buzzards
sing better than that.

And this is a crummy joint.
I've seen more action in a zoo.

- From which side of the cage?
- What's that supposed to mean?

You figure it out, college boy.
I'm going outside and get some air.

Let's get him.
George, let me have the phone.
Is that your 'cycle?
Stop reading
those hot rod magazines, buddy.

'Cycle is out.
It's either bike or motorcycle.

- Made in Japan?
- That's right. Made in Japan.

Aren't American 'cycles
good enough for you?

You don't dig world trade after all
the economics they shoved into you?

Get off, buddy.
- Come on!
- No. That's karate!
