He's my father. He worries about me.
She worries about him.
Everyone needs somebody
to worry about them.
- They're good friends.
- Sure.
What did I say this time?
- It's what you didn't say.
- All right.
If I take my foot out of my mouth,
will you show me around?
All right.
I don't know where to start, but...
What's with this tennis court?
The lines show where to stick front
end, pig iron and butchers' shops.
How's that?
The concessions,
rides and candy stands.
I see. What's this over here?
- What's a hot wagon?
- Generator truck.
- Drome? That's the...?
- It's right over there.
High wall, motorcycle stunts.
This wouldn't happen to be...?
Donniker, exactly
what it sounds like. The rest room.
- Grease joint?
- Hamburger stand. Right over here.
What are the big fans for?
They blow the smell of onions around.
Makes people hungry.
Pretty good.
Here we have the Mugg Joint.
Photo gallery.
"You don't know how you look
till you get your picture took."
Just what I thought.
The Dirty Show.
Not what you're thinking.
They throw baseballs
- and knock a girl into a water tank.
- What's dirty about that?
The lot lice
get their jollies from it.
Look, I know I'm supposed to know,
but what's lot lice?
- Customers who don't spend.
- Why don't you speak English?
For the same reason doctors
write prescriptions in Latin.
To keep us separate
from earth people.
Earth people?
Civilians, those who aren't with it.
Anyone who isn't a carny.
- What was that for?
- That was for what it was for.
- But why?
- Look...
- You kiss every girl you talk to?
- No.