- What does he do?
- He's a knife-thrower.
I think I care.
I've heard of heartburn,
but aren't you going too far?
- What's your gimmick?
- It's legit. What's yours?
I'm just a roustabout.
Charlie Rogers.
- I'm BJ Lewis.
- What's that stuff?
- Gasoline.
- You use regular or ethyl?
- Whatever I can get.
- Why don't you fry your tonsils?
It's just a matter
of getting used to it. Watch.
I bet you get invited to a lot of
barbecues. How'd you get into this?
- My doctor told me to quit smoking.
- No, seriously.
- I started out as a sword swallower.
- That's nice.
OK, OK, I believe you.
All my life I've been afraid
of everybody and everything.
I thought doing something dangerous
would show people I had guts.
You keep swallowing that and you'll
show them you've got guts, all right.
Anybody can eat fire.
Do you want to learn?
- I gag on Spanish rice.
- Hey, you!
- Yeah?
- Down here, stupid.
Kid, you'd better grow up before
you pick fights with grown-ups.