Help out on one of those rides.
I've got something to do.
Mr Nielsen.
Mrs Morgan, I was coming to see you.
- To pull the rug from under us?
- As a matter of fact, l...
- I'm sorry. That's my job.
I know. "l just pull the switch.
I don't sentence the guy."
The bank wants to know when
to expect last month's payment.
When I get it.
I'll have to tell them
something more definite.
- Business looks pretty good.
- Could be a lot better.
We've been rained out
four Saturday nights.
It would be OK
if we didn't owe you.
That lawsuit could have finished you
if we hadn't come to the rescue.
And delay the day of reckoning. Tell
your thick-skinned friends in Topeka
that their money's a lot safer
if we stay open.
Close us down and they'll get
10 cents on the dollar.
The bank would prefer it if the man
who caused the accident was gone.
I'm to blame.
I let the insurance lapse.
Mr Lean was drunk
when he set up that ride.
He's the best man around,
and as long as I'm open, he stays.
- All right, I'll tell them.
- You do that.
I don't think they'll listen.
Three balls a quarter!
Drop the lady in the water!
Yes, sir.
Get your pitching arm going.
Stand back, son. Watch this.
- Try again, sir.
- Dad, can I get a candy apple?
We got a live one!
Every pitch a direct hit!
- Step right up! Yes, son?
- Candy apple.
Thank you. Charlie, can you relieve
me here for about 10 minutes?
- How do I get in?
- There.