That's the best news
I've heard all day.
No, the way you go around
with a chip on your shoulder,
singing in some joint
and then moving on.
You mean instead of leading
some secure life like in a carnival?
- But you're alone.
- So is everybody else.
- Everybody has some kind of folks.
- Like Joe?
- Joe's had a rough time.
- Pardon me while I cry.
Have you ever?
It might do you some good.
We're gonna start the first show
of the evening!
Right down here! It's all free!
It's free down here! Come over!
There's gonna be nothing else
going on until we finish the show.
We're gonna have first a little music
for you. Musicians, come out here!
How about that for a fine
bunch of boys? And girls!
Bring out those beautiful girls!
They're four of the finest dancers
in the world, direct from Paris.
Not Paris, Texas. Paris, France.
Look at that beautiful figure. Look
at the... All right, that's enough!
They've not paid anything yet.
All right, come right up.
And now I take pleasure in presenting
the one and only Charlie Rogers!
You wanna see the rest, buy a ticket.
Show starts in five minutes.
Line up here fast
and get your tickets!