no matter what you do
or how hard you try.
So forget it. I have. Get to work.
Move right up here, folks!
I want your undivided attention
to one of the greatest games
on the North American continent!
Throw the ball and hit the target!
Every time you hit that target,
you sense the great
and unique satisfaction
of dropping the little lady
into the water!
It's a challenge,
ladies and gentlemen!
Try one, sir.
On the house. Fire away.
- That's a direct hit!
- But I didn't even hit it.
You're very strong. The wind from
that ball dropped her in the water.
Three for a quarter.
How about it, sir? Anybody else?
Here you go.
Give me a dollar's worth of balls.
- Take care of the bankroll.
- Here you are.
Get a load of old Freddie here.
Step right up here!
We got a live one here!
Wait till she gets set.
Fire away. Here we go.
- You did it again!
- Just a minute!
Wait till you get a load of this.
You kill me!
Come on, honey!
You're holding us up!
I hope she can breathe underwater
cos that's where I'm gonna keep her.
Give us a kiss for luck, honey.
Everybody just stand back.
Give me a lot of room here.
Freddie's gonna show you
how this should be done!
I'm gonna give that broad a bath
she ain't never gonna forget.
- Give us another kiss.
- Douse her once for me!
I will.
Freddie, you oughtta be
with the Yankees.
You ain't seen nothing yet, honey.
Now get a load of this.
Come on, honey! You're holding us up!