
- I know you're awake.
- What do you want?

- I want to apologise.
- Have you got a list?

- For what I said about Joe.
- Tell me in the morning.

Stop making so much noise.
Was that you that started the Jeep?

- Where were you going?
- For a ride.

At three in the morning?
Couldn't sleep. How was it downtown?
They're holding him overnight. But
he didn't steal anything. I know it.

Yeah. Good night, Cathy.
I'm heating some coffee.
Do you want some?

- Shy, Charlie?
- Not as long as Joe's on ice, no.

- You never quit, do you?
- No, I never quit.

- You must get your face slapped.
- About 50/50.

- I said coffee.
- Fine.

- Just coffee.
- OK.

I don't believe
you're all like you talk.

You mean there's a real me?
You oughtta know.
You fight with him enough.

Get back on
your motorcycle, Charlie.

What are people supposed to do?
I don't know about other people,
but you're just exercising.

No, not any more.
