Where can I find Charlie Rogers?
The last trailer back there, but you
better drive all the way around.
- Charlie Rogers?
- He's over there washing up.
- We fixed your bike for you.
- It's about time.
- Wanna sign it?
- Sure.
- What'd you have to do to it?
- Nothing. It was just out of gas.
- Really, what did you do to it?
- Whole new front end.
New shocks. New headlamp.
Everything. Watch it.
OK, easy.
- Straighten it out.
- Well, it looks all right.
There you go.
- $140?
- Mrs Morgan paid for it.
Wanna try it out first?
- Why don't you follow me?
- All right.
It's OK, pal!
- You run that bike pretty good.
- Thanks.
- Could you handle one of these?
- I handle anything on two wheels.
- In there?
- I've never tried it.
You wanna see how it's done?
Come on. We'll show you.
Go ahead, Gus.
Come on up here, Charlie.
- You all set, Gus?
- Right.