and smash your troubles away.
Tummy feel crummy? You bet it does!
And there you go,
taking those rotten tablets.
Nothing happens,
they just lay there.
Now watch wonder-working
Garbagine go to work.
See how much faster the new-formula,
Garbagine tablets are
than that no-good brand.
George, breakfast!
Good morning, Arnold.
Mrs. Kimball?
Hi, Ernie. - Isn't it
a lovely morning? - Oh, it is cute.
Yoghurt, carrot juice, cottage cheese,
organic honey,
non-fat, and eggs, fertile.
The Fishers on Maple St. Got
a new car today. Only it's 2nd hand.
Don't breathe a word of this,
but you know the Bullards?
Now, remember,
don't spread this around.