Your hypochondria's showing.
I am not a hypochondriac.
someday when I'm lying in hospital,
then you'll change your tune.
You better hurry,
you'll miss your train. Bye!
What's today?
- Friday.
Maybe I better cancel lunch
with Winston Burr, the way I feel...
I think you could risk a cup of tea.
I don't suppose a cup of weak tea
would hurt me, whatever's wrong.
Your call to Mrs. Bullard, Mr. Burr.
- Thank you. - Bullard?
Is she the one getting a divorce?
- Yeah. How did you know?
We have the same milkman.
- Watch this,
the Winston Burr patented procedure
for potential divorcees:
Hello, Linda.
Winston. Winny Burr.
Linda, I heard the horrible news.
Well, I'm just heartbroken.
Yeah. I always considered
you and David my best friends.
If there's anything I can do,
you mustn't hesitate to call me.
Yeah. The next couple of weeks
are going to be very tough.
You'll be... lonely.
Yeah. Say, why don't we have
a quiet little drink together tonight?
Maybe I could think of something
to bring you and David back together.
Okay, I'll pick you up at 8 o'clock.
Tonight. How's that?
Alright, little darling.
And... cheer up.
You are a 100%,
non-shrinkable, no-money-back ratfink!
Yeah, but a bachelor ratfink.