It's called indigestion.
I want you to take
these pills. One before each meal
and again before retiring.
What kind of pills are they?
- You wouldn't know if I told you.
Oh, Ralph...
That cardiogram you took...
Yeah, what about it?
- That's what I was going to ask.
What are you talking about?
- How did it turn out?
I don't know. The results aren't due
from Dr. Peterson for another week.
He's had it for 2 weeks.
Isn't he studying it for a long time?
- Dr. Peterson is a very busy man.
Biggest cardiologist in the city.
Got a regular goldmine there.
Well, in your opinion,
everything is Okay?
George, you are sound as a bell.
I wish all my patients
were as healthy as you are.
Speaking non-professionally, that is.
- And this pain in my chest?
I can just live a normal life?
- I would.
You can take
one of those pills now if you want.
Right now? Is it so urgent?
- It doesn't make any difference.
No, I'll take it now
if it's that important.
Is that my chart, Ralph?
Aren't you writing an awful lot
for just indigestion?
The more I write,
the more money I charge.
Oh, good.
Hello? Oh yes, he is, Doctor.