Send Me No Flowers

Judy, I just wanted to tell you,
I live right next door, alright?

Right, Arnold. - If you need me
for anything, day or night,

that's where I'll be, right next door.
Thanks a lot, Arnold.
Oh, was he bombed.
What's he had to drink?

Hello, Mrs. Kimball. For you
we put it through special.

That is something! Almost as wild
as this morning's outfit, huh?

Bye, now.
Pretty fresh kid.
- Oh, he's just friendly.

Friendly? Bet he makes out
pretty good in this neighborhood.

Oh, darling? Joe at the gas station
gave me back this check.

He said it's the wrong amount
and I should make out a new one.

The bill was 45.58 and,
I don't know why, but I wrote 78.60.

The figure's not $78.60, it's 7-8-6-0.
You paid your license plate!

You're kidding. That's an odd one.
Now, anybody can make a mistake...
- I'd like to talk to you. Judy?

How would you like
to go to night school?

Where? - Night school.
Just a couple of nights a week.

To learn banking,
bookkeeping, a little accounting.

That's just... Why? - Because
these things keep our ship afloat.

For example: What does
"amortization of a mortgage" mean?

I don't care.
- But you've got to care.

That's your department.
- But it's important for you to know.

Why should we both know the
same things? - Judy, please.

Will you let me get dinner going?
- That's what I want to talk about.

How much is a pound of ham?
- I don't know, I didn't buy a pound.
