Did it come yet, baby?
- What, mio amore?
The 50 thou,
the old boy's life insurance.
Is that enough, Vito?
- For now.
If we need more we can sell the joint.
Mr. Kimball is here, Mr. Atkins.
You phoned us about
the purchase of a final resting place.
Sit down, won't you?
- Thank you.
This has been a busy morning.
Did you see the Archers? - Who?
The Archers on Meadow Rd.
Do you know them? - I don't think so.
They're a family of 8. They
were all in. Wonderful to see them.
You don't get
those big families anymore.
I can understand your point of view.
- Do you know Green Hills? - Pardon?
Do you have anyone residing with us?
- Not as yet.
You saw our advertising campaign.
- No, I must have missed it.
I think I have a copy somewhere.
Oh, there it is.