Send Me No Flowers

It's so nice to meet you.
I've met your wife at the supermarket.

Yes, she mentioned it.
Would you boys excuse me a minute?
I must phone the sitter at home.

I won't be a minute, Darling.
Why don't you ask me how
it's going? - Alright, how's it going?

If you here of any prospects,
let me know.

Saturday dance night at the club
is always good for a split-up or two.

You appreciate the life around you?
Do you, John?

I mean, did you ever really look
at a tree? John!

It's magnificent.
Did you ever feel a table?
Wake up! Live your life!
Hi, George. I love you, George.
- She's such a sweet little woman.

She's just like Judy.
- Who, George?

She's falling into the trap
of that small-time lecher.

What time, George?
I should do something. - Do what?
- Just one good deed before I go.

Go where, George?
- Strange, the way

facing the great adventure
changes all your moral values.

How, George?
I'm going to do it.
- Do what, George?

When, George?
It's so smooth.
I won't be home any later than 1:30.
Alright. Fine. Bye-bye.
