Adm. Jessup's riding
in the second car, sir.
Adm. Jessup, you remember Mr. Parks.
- Bus, I'll check on the unloading...
- See you inside.
Glad you're back, Charlie.
We'll go around to the rear entrance.
Will you put this stuff in my room, Paul?
Hello, Tom.
- Nice to have you back in London, sir.
- Thank you.
There's a crate of eggs,
four pounds of bacon, four tins of coffee...
marmalade, six pounds of butter,
and ten pounds of oranges.
- Would you check those for bruises, Tom?
- I will, sir.
The Admiral will have breakfast
tomorrow at 7:30...
with Capt. Ellender and Cmdr. Cummings.
- Here's how everyone likes their eggs.
- Thank you, sir.
I'll sign this in.
- You pick up the wash and dry cleaning.
- Right.
Get some sleep.
You can't win them all, Commander.