Since when did you start asking
for ration coupons, Alfie?
That's the avocados.
It's too bloody gorgeous, Charlie.
I need a girl, Sheila.
A bright, bridge-playing girl.
Very crusty, elegant...
British diction calculated
to bring out the upstart in the American.
Who can handle herself at a dinner table
and play bridge like an assassin.
Whatever happened to Alice Luddens?
She's married off, love,
to a lieutenant in the paratroops.
Can't be too choosy, I suppose,
if you're a widow with two kids.
Can I go and try it on, Charlie?
The balloon is going up any day now.
- What balloon?
- D-day, old man.
Invasion of Europe.
Any day now 1,000,000 men
are gonna hit the beaches of France...
in the greatest battle in history.
Do you know any girls
who play a good game of bridge?
What do you think, Charlie?
Yeah. It's worth a try.
- Harry, let me borrow this for a while.
- Hey.
It's a matter of State.
- Charlie, what happened to you?
- Knock off.
An old wound, Commander?
Yes. A bit of flak I picked up
flying for the RAF in 1940.
Acts up every now and then.
Miss Barham, do you play bridge?
Yes, I do. Why?
Adm. Jessup would like you
to be his guest...
for dinner and bridge this evening.
I see.
Just dinner and bridge. Nothing else.
I'll have you delivered
back to your quarters by 10:30.
No, thank you.
If you don't need me, Commander,
may I take my lunch?