I overbid?
Let's just say you have unbridled courage.
I don't like the way the Navy's publicity
is being handled in Overlord.
I want extreme measures taken to
publicize the Navy's role in this invasion.
The President supports me in this.
Yeah, we received your cables, Jesse...
but I don't know what you mean
by extreme measures.
This is going to be a bloodbath.
I want a Marine division
to be the first assault wave.
You're not going to drag
that old chestnut in.
The Marines are traditional shock troops,
you know it.
Not in the European theater
of operations, they're not.
You Navy guys get all the headlines
in the South Pacific.
But Europe's an Army show.
It's been understood
from the beginning, Jesse.
I've written the Supreme Commander
about this.
That's one of the reasons he's out of town.
You must be off your rocker, Jesse,
if you think...
assault changes can be made
at this stage of preparation.
You know when the balloon's going up.
What balloon?
I've been instructed to say...
that we're going to put on a few more
Navy staff officers...
at supreme headquarters.
We're going to push the PRO people
to send out more Navy releases.
The Supreme Commander
wants it clear that he considers...
this inter-service competitiveness
in very bad taste.
He's having enough trouble
keeping the English and French in line.
You're down four, Willie.
Doubled, redoubled, and vulnerable.
Marine division!
You must be losing your mind, Jesse.
- Who deals?
- The young lady, I think.
Clear away that table, please.
General Waterson? Your car is ready, sir.
- Thank you.
- Good night, Sheila.
- Champagne, Charlie.
- It's being chilled.
It'll be outside your door in half an hour.
I sent her in.