Your car's here, General.
It's $34, all right.
At Adm. Jessup's request,
I've had The Scotch House...
send you three yards of tweed, sir.
It's for Mrs. Hallerton.
It won't get him
his Marine division, Charlie...
but it's generous of him.
Thank him for me.
It was good to see you again, sir.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Miss Barham,
there's a car downstairs for you...
- if you'd like me to take you down...
- No, thank you. I'll manage.
I had a lovely evening, Commander.
Please ask me again.
Was I rude, Charlie,
in leaving all those good-byes to you?
It wasn't noticed, sir.
I've got the damnedest headache.
I'll fix you a drink
before your bath, Admiral.
Charlie, in seven weeks,
I've got to go back to Washington...
and testify before the Joint Committee
on Military Affairs.
On the agenda is a review of the Army's
new long-range bomber program.
And there'll be speculation...
as to whether that doesn't make
carrier-based aircraft obsolete.
In short, they're out
to scrap the Navy again.
Charlie, the Air Corps is coming out of
this war the darling of the services.
The Army and its Air Corps.
The Navy will be the runt of the litter.
They'll scrap us...
like they do after every war.
Limit our capital ships...
reduce our crews to cadres,
strip us back to Pearl Harbor level.
Then they'll scream
how ill-prepared we are...
when somebody hits us
with another Pearl Harbor.
All Washington is bug-eyed
over this invasion of Europe.
And this invasion of Europe
is an all Army show.
That's why we're here, Charlie.
To remind the Congress
of the United States...